June 4, 2011

Commission in Progress

Having my morning joe while mentally-gearing up for painting the border and decorated initials on a wedding certificate. It's the first time I've ever created one of these, and I'm enjoying the process.

I spent the better part of the day yesterday, lettering a rough, determining spacing of text and lines for witnesses' signatures, then actually penciling in all the guidelines. It took more time than I had estimated, but that's okay, as this is a first, and experience is a great teacher!

I used my patio window as my light box, tracing the border I had drawn on sketch paper. This certificate is a full page of 22x30" hot-press Fabriano watercolor paper, 150# weight. I used a heavier paper, because it will be signed after the ceremony, meaning it will get handled somewhat.

Here it is so far, with the calligraphy done in walnut ink with 1.5 mm and 2.5 mm Brause nibs.

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