August 30, 2010

Mock Logo Designs...combining my calligraphy with Illustrator and photographs I took earlier...

I finally got the time to sit down with my calligraphy and photos I took of different textures a few weeks ago, combining them Illustrator.

This one is an example of my calligraphy combined with a photo of rust...

calligraphy with some colorful rust...

calligraphy with fabricated metal...

calligraphy with rust on black background...

calligraphy with rusted metal & 3D extrusion...

calligraphy with rocks on black background...

calligraphy with yellow sandstone...
I have other photos of textures that I'll be using later this week, creating more mock logos, etc. For me, it's fun and challenging to come up with different effects. I hope you enjoy following along!

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