June 7, 2011

Ready to Deliver

The wedding certificate is complete and ready to go to its new home later today.

This project took me a lot longer than I anticipated but I also learned a lot during the process:

  • A little planning goes a LONG way. I am usually much more free-form in my work, but this forced me to be methodical and very careful with planning the layout.
  • Work to whatever music moves me at the moment. It just so happens that I was listening to Prince, which had me grooving and relaxed, just enjoying laying down the ink and paint.
  • Patio doors make great light boxes - especially for full-size watercolor sheets!
  • Commissioned work is best when it relates to the one commissioning it. The floral design was adapted from a motif in a stained glass window in the bungalow of this couple. Granted, whatever I create will reflect me inherently, but it is important to me that the client feels a connection to the piece, too.
I am always to see a client's reaction, and hopefully today's will keep my record going...

(Click on the image for a larger view; use your browser's "Back" button to return to blog).

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