April 27, 2011

Playing with an Idea

I started working on a commission - when, it's hard to say, as my process begins with thoughts - cooking up an idea. From that point, I may search through clippings for inspiration for a layout I like, may doodle on a tablet, but I always begin with a pencil rough.

Yesterday, I just started writing, not aiming for great lettering, but just a feel I wanted. By the end of the day, I had the layout I liked, and I'm ready to proceed with adding a watercolor wash (to a fresh sheet of paper, of course) and the calligraphy in deeper shades.

The client wants blues and purples, but I may throw in something like a deep magenta or red for accent - "may" is the operative word. I know I will add some touches of gold - a little glitz goes a long way!

Here's the 2 roughs, in order of progression:

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